Improving Civics Learning Outcomes through the Implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Students (Case Study at Class V Public Elementary School 3 South Tiworo in 2018/2019 Academic Year


  • Simasir West Muna District Education Office Public Elementary School 3 South Tiworo, West Muna, Indonesia


Civics Learning Outcomes, Problem Based Learning (PBL)


The purpose of this study was improving   Civics Learning Outcomes through the Implementation of Problem Based Learning Students (Case Study at Class V Public Elementary School 3 South Tiworo in 2018/2019 Academic Year). The data obtained were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative analysis is intended to obtain an overview of the ability to master Civics learning materials, especially human rights materials through the PBL learning model. The results obtained are recorded and accumulated in a table of student learning results. Quantitative data (written test results data) were analyzed using descriptive analysis. This is intended to provide an overview of student learning outcomes related to the ability to master “human rights” learning materials through the PBL learning model. The result of this study showed that the application of the PBL learning model can improve teaching and teaching activities in Civics learning human rights materials. The teaching activity of the teacher in each cycle of the learning action proved to have increased significantly. The first cycle of teacher teaching activities only reached 72.22%. Cycle II increased to 88.89%. The application of the PBL learning model can improve the learning activities of the fifth grade students of Public Elementary School 3 South Tiworo in learning Civics on human rights materials. Student learning activities in each learning action cycle proved to have increased significantly. Cycle I experienced student learning activities only reaching an average percentage of 74.07% 0. The second cycle becomes 94.44%. Students have shown good learning activities in the implementation of learning carried out by the teacher. The application of the inquiry learning model can improve the PKM learning outcomes of the fifth grade students of Public Elementary School 3 South Tiworo. Student learning outcomes in each action cycle proved to have increased significantly. The results of learning cycle I reached. 74.07% of students who completed classical learning. Student learning completeness increased to 92.59% in cycle II. This achievement exceeded the specified indicators for students' classical learning completeness, namely 85% of students obtained KKM scores ≥ 65.


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How to Cite

Simasir, S. (2021). Improving Civics Learning Outcomes through the Implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Students (Case Study at Class V Public Elementary School 3 South Tiworo in 2018/2019 Academic Year. International Journal of Management and Education in Human Development, 1(01), 136–147. Retrieved from


