Application of Contextual Learning Using Video to Improve Social Science Learning Results


  • La Jungge Halu Oleo University


Contextual Approach, Video Media, Learning Outcomes


Based on the daily test score data for Class VIIIC students at SMP Negeri 6 Kendari for the 2018/2019 academic year, there are still many students who score below the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) set by the school, which is 70. Based on these data, improvements in methods and selection of appropriate media are very important. needed. Therefore, the author is interested in trying to combine the method using a contextual approach and video media. So that it is expected to increase student activity which can ultimately improve student learning outcomes. The formulation of the problem in this study is: can the application of contextual learning using video improve social studies learning outcomes for class VIII C SMP Negeri 6 Kendari. In accordance with the formulation of the problem in the research that has been stated, this study aims to determine the application of contextual learning by using video to improve social studies learning outcomes for class VIII C SMP Negeri 6 Kendari. The benefits of this research are for students, teachers and schools. This type of research is qualitative descriptive research by conducting Classroom Action Research (CAR). The flow of research carried out in this study was during two cycles. Each cycle consists of stages of planning, implementing actions, observing and reflecting. The results of the reflection in the first cycle then become material for planning in the second cycle and so on until this research is said to be successful and can be stopped.

The type of data needed in this study consists of primary data and secondary data. Primary data is the learning outcomes (values) of students. While secondary data in the form of questionnaires, observation results, and documentation. The data that has been collected is then analyzed by quantitative descriptive statistical analysis techniques. Data analysis to be carried out is to calculate the average, highest score, lowest score and the percentage of students' scores in the pre-cycle, cycle I and II. In addition, the percentage of each item will also be calculated from the observation sheet. From the table above, it can be seen that there is an increase in student learning outcomes from pre-cycle to cycle I and from cycle I to cycle II. This can be seen from the average value of the acquisition of students, namely from 61.20 it rose to 67.41 and then rose again to 76.55. The increase in the average value was also offset by the increase in the value obtained in each cycle. Where the highest value and the lowest value also increased in each cycle. The number of students who completed the score also continued to increase from the pre-cycle which only completed 7 people, then in the first cycle there were 14 people, and then the second cycle was 27 people. This research is said to be successful after the implementation of the second cycle is carried out. Where the number of students who have completed has amounted to 27 out of 29 students or 93.10%. While the standard of completeness is 75%.    


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How to Cite

La Jungge, L. J. (2021). Application of Contextual Learning Using Video to Improve Social Science Learning Results . International Journal of Management and Education in Human Development, 1(04), 126–136. Retrieved from