21st Century Perspectives on the Role of Management, Education and Technology in Human Welfare


  • Emiliano T. Hudtohan


Quantum Perspective, Cartesian Logic, Newtonian Science, Digitalization, Digitalization, Mainstream Management, And Multistream Management.


The Quantum perspective (1925-2021) in the 21st century is a departure from the modern scientific view of Rene Descartes (1596-1650) and Isaac Newton (1625-1727) in the 16th -18th   century.   Newtonian science and Cartesian logic captured the heart and mind of humanity’s pursuit for material wellbeing that led to colonialization and up till now, extensive globalization is taking place. The welfare of humanity described as the common good was in the hands of democratic capitalists. The agricultural civilization, industrial civilization, global civilization, and digital civilization have served human welfare at the expense of Mother Nature and the socio-economic imbalance continues to exist globally.  The ecological civilization of China is a new model for environmental practice toward a socialist spiritual civilization.  A quantum perspective on human welfare has been proposed by Martha Beck,  Fahri Karakas, and Margaret Wheatley that promotes 21st-century human welfare. This paper discusses the impact of quantum mechanics that altered mainstream management to multistream management; it presents an educational background on pedagogy, andragogy, and heutagogy; and it makes a distinction between digitization and digitalization in technology. It looks into the role of business management, education, and digital technology in creating a new world of human welfare.


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How to Cite

Emiliano T. Hudtohan. (2022). 21st Century Perspectives on the Role of Management, Education and Technology in Human Welfare. International Journal of Management and Education in Human Development, 2(01), 133–143. Retrieved from https://ijmehd.com/index.php/ijmehd/article/view/3


