Application of Direct Learning Model to Increase Learning Outcomes in Original Drawings in Art Culture Lessons


  • Rita Teacher of SMPN 6 Kendari


Direct Learning, Learning Outcomes


Cultural arts subjects have the aim of developing attitudes and abilities so that they can be creative and appreciate works of art so that students can develop their artistic talents. However, in practice, the process of learning the art and culture of decorative drawing materials in class VII B of SMPN 6 Kendari, causes the achievement of competence and learning achievement of students is not optimal. If it is seen from the value of drawing ornaments in class VII B, it shows that the average learning achievement of students has not been able to reach the KKM. The KKM for the arts and culture subject for class VII SMPN 6 Kendari in the 2019/2020 academic year is set at 75. In participating in learning to draw decorative motifs, the student's motivation and enthusiasm for learning are quite high. Students look very serious about immediately completing the task of drawing decorations given by the teacher and want to get good grades immediately. However, the results of drawing ornaments produced by students in some parts are still not in accordance with good art techniques.

The formulation of the problem in this study is whether the application of the direct learning model can improve learning outcomes of decorative drawing in arts and culture subjects for class VII B SMPN 6 Kendari. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of direct learning models in improving learning outcomes of decorative drawing in arts and culture subjects for class VII B SMPN 6 Kendari. The benefits of research for students, teachers, and schools: (1) For students, it can improve learning outcomes to draw decorations in class VII B students of SMPN 6 Kendari; (2) For teachers, this research is useful in improving learning outcomes, and measuring their success in implementing teaching and learning activities, as well as broadening their horizons on the use of simple media to improve learning outcomes; (3) For schools, the results of this study can be used as a reference or evaluation with the aim of improving the quality or quality of education in schools.

This type of research is descriptive qualitative using a class action research design (CAR) which refers to the teacher's actions in learning activities. The reason for choosing this method is because the purpose of this research is in line with the objectives of CAR, namely to improve the quality of the learning process and outcomes. In this study, the PTK model used is the model developed by Kemmis and McTaggart (1982). The author uses this model because this model is famous for its self-reflection spiral cycle process. The CAR research stages consist of (1) planning (Planning), (2) implementing the action (Action), (3) Observation (Observation), and (4) Reflection. Learning outcomes (Scores), (2) Observations (Observations), and documentation. The data analysis that will be carried out is to calculate the average, highest score, lowest score, and percentage of students' scores in pre-cycle, cycle I, and II. In addition, the percentage of each item will also be calculated from the observation sheet.

From the results of this study, the following conclusions can be drawn. The application of the direct learning model can improve the learning outcomes of students' decorative drawing in arts and culture subjects for class VII B SMPN 6 Kendari. There was an increase in student learning outcomes from the pre-cycle, namely 62.92% to 71.85% in the first cycle and 92.59% in the second cycle. The number of students who completed was 25 out of 27 students or 92.59%. While the standard of completeness is 75%. From the results of observations, it is also seen that there is an increase in the categories obtained by the teacher in the application of the direct learning model. In cycle I, the categories are quiet, good, and very good. Meanwhile, in cycle II, all indicators were categorized as very good.


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How to Cite

Rita. (2022). Application of Direct Learning Model to Increase Learning Outcomes in Original Drawings in Art Culture Lessons . International Journal of Management and Education in Human Development, 2(02), 536–547. Retrieved from


