Effect of Flow Velocity on bedload Sediment Transport at the Jeneberang River Estuary with Nays2DH Model Simulation


  • Vickky Anggara Ilham Teknik Sipil,Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara
  • Sufrianto Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia


Bedload Sediment, Flow Velocity. Nays2DH, iRIC


Cooperative) which is a two-dimensional (2D) model that examines problems in river estuaries both flow velocity and sediment distribution so that it becomes a reference in handling, planning estuary engineering, and improving the optimization of river estuary functions. . The Nays2DH model simulation follows the structure of dynamic fluid computing, namely Pre-Processor, Solver, and Post-Processor.

The methodology used is to apply it to the case of changes in sedimentary deposits in the estuary and compare the output with the theoretical predictions. A mathematical model is made based on a mathematical formulation that correctly describes the physical processes that occur, based on an appropriate solution method for the formulation. The basic equations in modeling are continuity, momentum, and sediment transport model equations Mayer-Peter and Muller

From the simulation results, the relationship between flow velocity and bottom sediment transport illustrates that the relationship that occurs is linear between the magnitude of the flow velocity followed by the value of the bottom sediment transport in each time period and the same discharge. So from these results, we get an equation of the relationship between flow velocity and bottom sediment transport for the 5-year return period discharge and the 20-year return period. The distribution of sediment at the mouth of the Jeneberang river shows that the bottom sediment transport is concentrated on the side of the mouth of the Jeneberang river. The flow velocity that occurs at the mouth of the Jeneberang river has a difference in each return period at the cross section point. Flow velocity is strongly influenced by flow discharge, river surface roughness, flow depth, flow velocity, Froude number, and shear stress.


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How to Cite

Vickky Anggara Ilham, & Sufrianto. (2022). Effect of Flow Velocity on bedload Sediment Transport at the Jeneberang River Estuary with Nays2DH Model Simulation. International Journal of Management and Education in Human Development, 2(01), 050–057. Retrieved from https://ijmehd.com/index.php/ijmehd/article/view/50


