The Role of Local Government in Protecting the Management of Mineral Mining Companies and Controlling Environmental Impacts in East Kolaka Regency


  • Abd. Azis Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara,Indonesia
  • La Ode Bariun Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara,Indonesia
  • La Ode Munawir Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara,Indonesia


The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the regional government of East Kolaka Regency's authority and existence in granting mining permits for rock minerals, as well as to determine and analyze how the regional government controls the environmental impacts of rock mining. Descriptive normative research is used in this study. The East Kolaka Regency Mining and Energy Resources Office, the Environmental Agency, the East Kolaka Regency Government's legal division, the communities surrounding the mines, and business actors involved in mining activities in the East Kolaka Regency made up the population of this study. One representative from the East Kolaka Regency Government's legal division, two representatives from the Mining and Energy Service of Southeast Sulawesi Province, one representative from the Environment Agency, and seven (seven) business actors involved in the mining of rock minerals in East Kolaka Regency made up the study sample. The study's conclusion is that the local government in East Kolaka Regency plays three different roles in protecting the management of rock material mining companies: the role of the local government as a regulator, the role of the government as a dynamicator, and the role of the government as a facilitator. The mining of rock materials in East Kolaka has an impact on the environment in the form of water and air pollution, as well as harm to flora and fauna. As a result, the government can take the following steps to lessen the environmental damage caused by mining: It is making policies in the mining sector that are in the best interests of the people and are protecting the community around the mining site. It is reforming regulations by revoking policies in the mining sector that are hierarchically against the spirit of the 1945 Constitution. It is being careful when making policies in the mining sector. It is making policies in the mining sector that are in the best interests of the people and is protecting the community around the mining site.


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How to Cite

Azis, A., Bariun, L. O., & Munawir, L. O. (2022). The Role of Local Government in Protecting the Management of Mineral Mining Companies and Controlling Environmental Impacts in East Kolaka Regency. International Journal of Management and Education in Human Development, 2(04), 626–642. Retrieved from