The Social Entrepreneur as an Antifragile Agent in the Era of New Normal


  • Emiliano T. Hudtohan


Antifragility, Agency Theory, Business Model, Digital Technology, New Normal, Performance-Evaluative Dimension Iterative Dimension, Projective Dimension, Social Entrepreneurship, Theory of Emergenetics.


The social entrepreneur of Dyck and Neubert is seen from Geil Browning’s Theory of Emergenetics that says we are a product of nature (DNA) and nurture (external influence of family, school, society, government, business and religious beliefs).  In more vivid details, the Agency Theory of Priestly, Biesta and Robinson enumerates three key dimensions of being an agent who effectively interacts with his/her environment. These three dimensions are 1. Performance-Evaluative, 2. Iterative and 3. Projective.  This paper presents the concept of Antifragility of Nassim Taleb as framework for the peak performance of an Agent. The social entrepreneur is presented from Dyck and Neubert’s multistream perspective, primarily describing him as concerned with the wellbeing of the customers.  Carl Balita’s 12 Days of Entrepreneurs provides a capsulized summary on being an entrepreneur and Larry Gamboa’s Business Model Canvas is a valuable basic guide for entrepreneurial start-up. The World Economic Forum gives a macro vision for social entrepreneurs to pursue 1. creativity and innovation, 2. global and local citizenship, 3. digital technology and 4. interpersonal and intrapersonal relationship as key activities in a post-COVID 19 New Normal environment. The Era of the New Normal is happening at the tail end of the Great Period of Change which started in 1987 and ends in 2023.  An Antifragile Social Entrepreneur in the Era of New Normal is a person who takes an active role (Agent) to pursue her/his vision and mission in serving her/his internal and external stakeholders, and she/he does not merely withstand shocks of business challenges, but actually gains improvement because of them when facing these challenges (Antifragile).


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How to Cite

Emiliano T. Hudtohan. (2024). The Social Entrepreneur as an Antifragile Agent in the Era of New Normal. International Journal of Management and Education in Human Development, 4(01), 1108–1119. Retrieved from


